Cow Herd

Empress G 51D SureFire 27A


A female that just out produces herself in every form. This is every cattleman’s dream, a female that gets it done on paper and on the hoof. In last year’s sale she produced the top selling open heifer selected by Vintage Angus for $120,000 and the $30,000 selection of Express and Spruce Mountain. It’s hard to fit any more real performance in a female, just look at the hip and rib shape in this female that has a ton of life left in her. She sells due to calve 3/23/2023 to Hoffamn Thedford with a bull calf.
Empress G 51D
Empress G 51D Surefire 27A
Empress 3J40
4 Sons Powerball 2K32
KB Angus will be offering Full Sib to Lot 9B who sold for $80,000 to DC Cattle, Wichester, KY

Belle Isabel 9064 K21


Belle Isabel 9064 K21

Boyd/Myers Butterfly 8207


A big bodied daughter of No Doubt who is a full sister to the $18,000 top selling heifer in 2019 Boyd Beef Cattle Sale. In addition she is the maternal sister to the Boyd and Myers donor Thomas Butter Fly 4762, who produced the $48,000 selection of Spruce Mountain and EXAR through a past sale.  An excellent EPD profile highlighted with added $C value. 

BoydMyers Butterfly 8207

Frosty Elba 4547 – New Donor Female



The Dam of KB-Full Measure C40

Recent Addition from Gabriel Ranch

Gabried Barbara 1014 Gabriel Ranch-SB-S22-Page30-3

Gabriel Barbara 1014

Check out the numbers on this Iron Horse daughter that is a direct daughter of the $30,000 selection of Andy Stellfpug in last years sale, who is the number 4 $C Full Measure in the breed. This female checks all of the boxes in terms of performance, efficiency, carcass merit and $Values.

Recent Addition from Friendship Farms

FF RITA 0C16 of 5E32 Calvary Friendship Farms-SB-S22-Page30-3

FF Rita 0C16 of 5E32 Calvary

A Calvary daughter that is a full sister to the $11,000 selection of Fulcher Farms and TK Cattle in the 2021 sale, who is a direct daughter of the former Friendship Farms donor, FF Rita 5E32, who is now working in the Hammack Ridge program, who is a direct daughter of the $44,000 Friendship Farms and Fairway Farms donor, Rita 9Q23, anchored by the legendary herd sire maker, Rita 5F56. She sells due to calve 10/1/2022 to FF Rito Athlete.

Recent Addition from Four Sons Sale

Recent Additions from Solid Rock Angus

Recent Additions from Woodside Farms Dispersal

Recent Additions from Boyds Beef Cattle

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